Jeanne is a Certified Relocation Specialist and can help anyone moving to San Diego or relocating out of the area. Having made the move herself from Washington, DC to San Diego, Jeanne understands exactly what type of information and assistance a relocating buyer or seller may need for the next step in their journey. Having the knowledge of the different neighborhood nuances helps her provide details about specific areas and its amenities. She can also point you in the right direction for all those little things like, where to get your new California driver’s license, car registration, the closest shopping centers and farmers markets, the best restaurants in San Diego, beaches, trails, parks and other nearby entertainment.
Jeanne also hold the Military Relocation Professional Certification from the National Association of Realtors. Having worked with military members, spouses and veterans on both coasts, she can assist you with your home purchase or sale here in San Diego. Additionally, Jeanne has great lenders to recommend once you receive your PCS orders so that you can start the pre-approval process before you arrive.